Friday, 19 September 2008

Summer almost over

The garden still remains productive, even some sald still under a cloche. Was was before just a area of shabby grass has provided, fruit veg and flowers, and been a eal talking point amongst the neighbours. I’ve become somewhat of a green tomato chutney production ine, the summer wasn’t conducive to ripe outdoor tomatos, I’m glad It wasn’t in a way the chutney and sauce is just superb if I do say so!....

I've been in the wars a nbit though...need root canal work under an existing crown...yuck..painfull and expensive...probablly less painfull than the infection currently eating away at my jawbone thouh...lets hope the antibiotics do their trick.

Andrea is complaining because I won't switch the heating on yet...I light a nice log fire in the stove..what more does she want...I though we were from strong northern stock!

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